

How to Cite
Saavedra Potes, Y. M., Orcacita Pineda, L. T., & Livingston Bowie, G. (2023). Educating about sexual diversity: Diverse understandings from the experience of young people from Palmira and Bogotá universities. Saluta, (7), 46–58. https://doi.org/10.37594/saluta.v1i7.796
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The present work systematization of the family advisory experience “Educating about sexual diversity: Diverse understandings from the experience of young people from universities in Palmira and Bogota towns”.  Documents the results of the practical experience of intervention research, based on the experiences of five young university students with diverse sexual orientation, taking into account aspects of their context, the difficulties and opportunities for LGTBIQ+ population and their perception of the availability of resources that contribute to their well-being.  The research was directed to know their understanding about sexual and gender diversity; as well as their recognition of support networks, by approaching their realities in meetings of reflexive dialogue. The method applied is based on hermeneutic and critical paradigms, with emphasis on qualitative research; oriented in generating changes in the senses and meaning of human sexuality from a systemic perspective of lazyness, addressing the gender focus from diverse sexualities, and recognition of human rights. The review of the experience was carried out from two axes: sexual and gender diversity, and support networks.  As a result, transformations in the stories of the participants are noticed around social practices in each one of their context, finding a clear break with the markings of people surrounding them, in relation to religious beliefs about sexuality; reaffirmation of their identity, and capacity building for advocacy in participation spaces.



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