

How to Cite
Camacho Niño, J. S., Jaramillo Ordoñez, S., González Carreño, J. B., Murillo López, A. L., & Rangel Caballero, L. G. (2023). Prevalence of behavioral risk factors associated with non-communicable diseases in colombian hikers. Saluta, (7), 33–45. https://doi.org/10.37594/saluta.v1i7.795
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Physical inactivity, harmful consumption of alcohol, tobacco use, and an unhealthy diet are behavioral risk factors that increase the risk of suffering non-communicable diseases. Hiking is a type of physical activity in nature, its practice provides benefits for health. The objective of the study was to analyze the prevalence of behavioral risk factors associated with noncommunicable diseases in Colombian hikers. The methodology was a study Analytical cross-sectional study carried out on 118 Colombian hikers. Variables were analyzed using central tendency measures or frequencies according to their nature. Fischer exact, T-student, and U Mann-Whitney tests were implemented to establish a statistical difference according to sex. The significant level was p ≤ 0.05. The Noncommunicable Disease Risk Factor Surveillance from the World Health Organization was applied to collect data. The results includeprevalence of physical inactivity was 0%. Men reported a higher median of physical activity minutes per week than women (p=0,003). Prevalence of Tobacco use and harmful consumption of alcohol were 10,17% and 11,86% respectively. The prevalence of harmful consumption of alcohol was superior in men than in women (p=0.034). The median of drinks per month for men was higher than for women (p=0,004). 88,98% of participants reported a low intake of fruits and vegetables. The total mean of behavioral risk factors of hikers was 1,11 (DE:0,05), this number was superior in men than in women (p=0,048). Among the conclusions are that all participants are physically active, one-tenth of hikers reported tobacco use and harmful consumption of alcohol, and most hikers show low intake of fruits and vegetables. Men evidenced higher levels of physical activity and harmful consumption of alcohol than women.



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