

How to Cite
Bonilla, A., & Camargo, R. (2022). Management of industrial hygiene and occupational health: protocols to reduce risks in the mining sector. Saluta, (6), 58–70. https://doi.org/10.37594/saluta.v1i6.741
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This research work consisted of knowing the hygiene, health and industrial safety protocols applied by the mining industries in carrying out activities to mitigate the risks to which workers are exposed. This is how, under this premise, the research problem was established, where the most important aspects of risk factors are disclosed: physical, chemical, biological and mechanical that greatly affect workers in this important sector. The objective of the study was to know the protocols applied by the mining industry regarding the main activities that generate danger, such as: exploration, transportation and drilling and the measures implemented to mitigate the possible effects. The results obtained are in accordance with the objectives set out in the research, showing that mining companies apply protocols in the performance of their activities, which helps to minimize the exposure of the mining worker to risk factors.



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