

How to Cite
Pérez, M., Arjona, R., & López, A. (2022). Biosecurity measures as a determining factor in the quality of patient care in the intensive care unit. Saluta, (6), 43–57. https://doi.org/10.37594/saluta.v1i6.740
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Biosecurity is an issue that has a lot of relevance in the health of staff, patients, and the community; in recent years the health authorities have emphasized its compliance, since this ensures a quality care to the patient. The objective of the study was to analyze biosecurity measures as a determining factor in the quality of patient care in the intensive care unit. A review of documentary database was carried out such as: Scielo, Dialnet, Medline, Lilac, and Google Scholar. Most studies show that biosecurity measures ensure that staff and patients have a reduced risk of infection associated with health care, thus guaranteeing the quality of care in the care unit intensive. Conclusions: Knowledge, attitude, and adherence of health personnel to biosecurity measures such as: hand washing, correct use of personal protective equipment, are critical aspects in health institutions that reduce the risk of patients and staff acquiring health care-associated infections.



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