

How to Cite
Guerra Ríos, R. T., & Gomez Moreno, J. A. (2022). Burnout syndrome in the state of emergency of COVID-19 in health personnel. Saluta, (6), 16–27. https://doi.org/10.37594/saluta.v1i6.738
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The Burnout Syndrome is produced by work exhaustion, it is a state of stress in which different circumstances lead to a constant exhaustion in the person. The work environment of the hospitals itself is already quite demanding, between working hours, to provide care for the sick, family members in crisis caused by the illness or death of their loved ones, who demand immediate and immediate attention from the staff. effective. All this delivery of responsibility that health personnel have to cover the needs of the sick, produces a work strain. Added to this, the current emergency situation facing COVID-19, has had devastating effects indirectly towards several sectors, for example: the mental health of those who work in hospitals, clinics and all those related to the service of health. The massive arrival of patients to hospitals and clinics has increased the work of the staff, exposed to long shifts without enough rest with fear and fear of getting infected. This article reviews the origin of burnout syndrome among health personnel, its importance in the context of COVID-19 and suggests suggestions to improve its occurrence.



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