

How to Cite
Aponte, M. E., Cedeño, C., & Henríquez, G. (2022). Musculoskeletal disorders in the nursing staff at the UCI. Saluta, (5), 61–78. https://doi.org/10.37594/saluta.v1i5.626
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Musculoskeletal diseases that are of occupational origin, is usually the focus of surveillance attention about occupational health, due to the existence of several cases of this type, it is implied that there are still many more cases without being reported by organizations. (Acuña, L.; Garcia, M.; Ramirez, 2020) A systematic literature review was conducted during the month of June 2021, to develop a reflective critical analysis of the content of the scientific literature published in the last five to eight years, about musculoskeletal disorders in the nursing staff in the intensive care unit. It was found that the nursing auxiliaries of the intensive care unit presented a high prevalence of osteo-muscular symptomatology (79%), the most affected parts were the lower back (24.5%), and the upper back (17.5%). The majority of the auxiliaries have received medical disability due to this cause (65%). Mandatory training in the different clinical areas is important raise awareness of the risks to which health personnel are exposed due to poor body mechanics and lack of knowledge about the mobilization of patients that can lead to musculoskeletal problems, as demonstrated in the indicators of this type of injury, causing total or permanent disability of work activities as health personnel.



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