

How to Cite
Garzón de Espinosa, M. (2022). Psychosocial factors associated with work stress. Analysis of its impact on university teachers. Saluta, (4), 68–79. https://doi.org/10.37594/saluta.v1i4.613
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The research aims to analyze the relationship between the psychosocial factors present at work, associated with work stress and the impact they can cause on the health of university teachers. Regarding the methodology, the study has a quantitative approach, the study design is non- experimental since no variable is manipulated. It is cross-sectional since previous studies from 2018 to 2020 were chosen, in which it is intended to determine if the stress variables and psychosocial factors of the study are correlated. The sample made up of 460 teachers who work in universities in two Latin American countries, made up of 60% male and 40% female. The study concluded that there is a relationship between the psychosocial factors present at work, associated with work stress such as workload 18.7% and the content and characteristics of the task 21.3% significantly impacting the health of University Teachers, as for not being able to sleep 9.1%, losing their appetite or overeating 12.2% in male teachers and feeling tired all the time 7.1%, being irritated all the time 6.7% of female teachers. Although it cannot be generalized due to the size of the sample. Coinciding with some studies reviewed, in which the authors presented similar data stating that psychosocial factors generate stressful situations in teachers.



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