

How to Cite
Aguilar Zarate, M. I., & Reyes Villarreal, F. Y. (2022). The psychosocial impact of Covid-19 on health workers in hospital areas. Saluta, (4), 51–67. https://doi.org/10.37594/saluta.v1i4.612
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COVID-19 is a very dangerous pathogen for older adults and especially for those who suffer from comorbidity with high blood pressure, diabetes mellitus, heart disease, among others. All these are indicators considered as risk factors, which place this population in particular as a vulnerable population in the face of this public health situation. This article seeks to highlight the psychosocial impact of the pandemic on health personnel who work in hospital areas and who are in the first line of care. The information will be extracted from a documentary review, where surveys applied to these workers, especially doctors and nurses, are analyzed. The search for research documents is carried out on digital platforms that provide the necessary data to analyze topics of interest such as: risk factors, prevention strategies, comprehensive care, follow-up in psychosocial crises and in later stages, which imply protection and safety of health personnel, as well as positive contributions to these groups. The review articles reflect that health personnel are a fundamental part of the fight against covid-19, therefore it is necessary to give them adequate attention, since they face disorders such as anxiety, depression and stress to the unknown, in addition, it has been seen an increase in adverse psychosocial factors, such as: loss of healthy habits, domestic violence and abuse of new technologies, coupled with other diseases or comorbidity, even so, they carry out a titanic job in a professional way and collaborate to overcome this terrible virus. It is also highlighted that the increase in anxiety and other pathologies have been triggered at an emotional level in these workers and in the community in general. Hence, the strategies that are described as palliative in such a situation were: periodic psychological therapies between collaborators, rest periods, family coexistence, among others.



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