

How to Cite
Brown Britton, K. A. (2022). The Work stress in nursing staff. Saluta, (3), 73–99. https://doi.org/10.37594/saluta.v1i3.599
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For Raphael, Kelly (1991) “Health personnel frequently work with people who experience serious trauma and personal crisis. These can range from chronic illnesses, disabilities, and acute trauma, to major psychiatric illnesses and terminal illnesses”. The objective of this documentary study was to: Identify the most common stress factors in the Nursing area and suggest recommendations for the improvement of stress management in Nursing. On the other hand, in terms of methodology, this documentary study is of a bibliographic type, and in which searches are carried out for information from studies previously carried out on stress in Nursing. These investigations and / or references considered, were extracted from reliable search engines such as: PubMed, Scielo, and Google Academic. Approximately 65 articles were reviewed, on stress in Nursing, in different areas such as, emergency room, Oncology, and even in their student stage, subsequently making a final selection of 40 bibliographic sources, considering the date of publication of the last 20 years. Research on stress in other health personnel such as Doctors, Assistants, and Laboratories was not considered as part of this study. It is concluded after reviewing the articles Nursing is a career with a high level of stress, due to the assignments and risks that are faced daily. However, despite being subjected to high levels of stress, no prevention or control plans are identified for the care of stress in Nurses, not even a plan for monitoring said personnel, which accentuates the danger in this area of the Health.



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