

How to Cite
Santos, A., & Malek, M. (2022). The malaria during the Covid-19 pandemic. Situation of villages in areas of difficult access. Saluta, (3), 24–38. https://doi.org/10.37594/saluta.v1i3.595
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This article present the analysis of the malaria situation in the towns of areas with difficult access in times of COVID-19. Methodologically, the qualitative approach is considered, the type of theoretical documentary research supported by a bibliographic design with a descriptive and transversal scope. The data collection techniques and instruments used are direct observation, content analysis, and a registration matrix for the secondary information sources reviewed. From a chronological point of view, the sample covers the literature consulted from 2019 to 2021. As results and conclusions, it is considered that malaria cases are increasing in the populations of Southeast Asia, Eastern Mediterranean, Western Pacific and America, with higher vulnerability in sub-Saharan Africa, at a time when health action is focused on solving the coronavirus crisis. Among the causes of affectation are: the prioritization and concentration of efforts in the care of the coronavirus by the health systems, the mobility restrictions of people with interruptions in the treatments and pre-established care programs, as well as the diversion of human resources and materials for malaria programs to address the virus.



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