

How to Cite
De León Núñez, M., & Abrego Batista, M. (2022). Factors that influence the satisfaction of users of health services. Saluta, (2), 71–88. https://doi.org/10.37594/saluta.v1i2.589
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The quality of care in health services and achieving user satisfaction has been a long-standing problem and difficult to address due to the different elements that constitute it: quality for the patient, administrative quality (Institutional) and quality professional. The aim of this project is identify the factors that influence user satisfaction in health services. This is a descriptive, narrative, analytical retrospective study, which included bibliographic consultation in databases: PubMed, Scielo, Dialnet, Redalyc, Elsevier and Google Scholar. Ten articles that meet the inclusion and exclusion criteria were selected. Regarding user satisfaction and the quality of health services, 10 references were found in the research, from Latin American countries (Mexico, Cuba and Paraguay) and from Europe (Spain and Portugal. User satisfaction is composed of multiple factors, among these are: factors related to accessibility to personnel (health and non-health), physical and economic accessibility to health facilities, accessibility to information and one of the factors that showed the most dissatisfaction was the waiting time for appointments or shift or the response capacity of health services towards users.



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