

How to Cite
Ureña, D., & Mejía Martínez, M. M. (2022). Quality of nursing care: A high-level view in the care of patients with congestive heart failure. Saluta, (2), 50–70. https://doi.org/10.37594/saluta.v1i2.588
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Heart failure is a complex clinical syndrome resulting from any structural or functional impairment of ventricular filling or blood ejection, its management involves quality nursing care referring to timely care to improve symptoms and stabilize hemodynamic status in the acute period, prevent future episodes of acute decompensation, and improve prognosis by avoiding potential complications. The main objective was to systematize the evidence on the levels of efficacy of quality nursing care in patients with heart failure. Documentary research with a quantitative descriptive approach, a systematic review was carried out with publications from 2010 to the present. For the analysis of the selected data, the documents were organized into themes that allowed to improve the understanding of the phenomenon by compiling, organizing and presenting information from indexed documentary sources integrating a total of 30 studies of which 20 were selected for compliance with criteria. This manuscript shows the importance of the role of the nursing professional in the care, recovery, as well as in the follow-up provided to the patient upon discharge, highlighting characters such as: self-care and empowerment of the patient and his disease, timely detection and knowledge of his symptoms which will prevent hospital readmission, adequate therapeutic adherence, practice of healthy lifestyles focusing on rest - sleep, diet and physical activity.



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