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The objective of this research is to identify the ergonomic occupational risks of workers in high-tension lines, analyzing the relevance of knowing this fact for the employees, also having a view on the actions that companies should take in this area and disclosing that this is one of the high-risk jobs due to its nature. The research was developed with a methodology that evaluates a group of risk variables out of our control to be manipulated or influenced, in this way the ergonomic processes that put at risk the staff working with high voltage lines were studied. This is a transversal research design due to the fact that different variables had to be observed in a determined and short period of time. López Pereira & León, in their studies determined that there are several occupationally caused risk factors and that low back pain was a frequent one, although these were not associated directly to job ergonomics. While Cedeño S. & Gómez H., evidenced that the kinds of musculo-Tendinous injuries are associated with ergonomic risks and could be caused by four factors. The research concludes that the occupational ergonomics of high-voltage line workers present risks influenced by the post factor and the physical conditions of the workers, also that most of the injury cases reported are muscular-skeletal in nature.
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