

How to Cite
Mendoza R., F., & Cortez Rivera, F. M. (2022). The Psychosocial health in public transportation Operators in Panama. Saluta, (2), 10–23. https://doi.org/10.37594/saluta.v1i2.584
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Public transport operators in general are men who carry out a job that has been considered of low technical qualification. This work is characterized by the simultaneous execution of task, frequency of travel, exposure to noise, vibration, traffic density, continuous stops of the vehicle, little time for feeding, sedentary lifestyle, obesity and stress among others. In this work environment, Psychosocial risks and their consequence of interpersonal problems, in the work, social and family environment, are present, go unnoticed and are hardly give due attention. Knowing the psychosocial risks to which Public Transport operators are exposed helps to determine what type of intervention is feasible to help prevent and mitigate psychosocial risks in drivers of passenger vehicles in a company, with mixed days and schedules?



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Otras referencias Bibliográficas

Resolución No. 45,588-2011-JD: Reglamento General de Prevención de Riesgos Profesionales y de Seguridad e Higiene en el Trabajo.

Sistemas Jurídicos (2016). Código de Trabajo de la República de Panamá, 2016. Panamá, Panamá: Sistemas Jurídicos.

https://www.asamblea.gob.pa/APPS/SEG_LEGIS/PDF_SEG/PDF_SEG_2010/PD F_SEG_2019/2019_P_119.pdf

https://www.mibus.com.pa/blog-post/como-se-capacita-un-operador-el-rostro-de- mibus/



https://www.insst.es/documents/94886/161958/ap%C3%ADtulo+5.+Salud+ment al.



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