

How to Cite
Ramos O., C. A., & Ramirez, M. (2018). Effectiveness of different techniques dental education in the control of the bacterial plate in schools. Saluta, (1), 52–78. https://doi.org/10.37594/saluta.v1i1.163
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This scientific research is a descriptive, experimental and cross-sectional study on the Effectiveness of Different Dental Educational Techniques in the Control of Bacterial Plaque in Schoolchildren of 2nd and 3rd Grade School of San Carlos, located in the Republic of Panama, Province of Panama West, District of San Carlos, El Higo. The objective of the study was to determine the effectiveness of different odontological educational techniques in the control of bacterial plaque in 2nd and 3rd grade school children. Theoretical aspects were addressed in the subject matter of the study. The study highlights among its results information on the dental educational techniques used and what is the most effective in the control of dental plaque, useful for caregivers, students and the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Panama.



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3) Comprendio de periodoncia, autores: Norma G. Sznajder y col. Médica Panamericana, 1996.

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4. http://noticias24panama.com/actualidad/noticia/10797/la-oms-realiza-consulta-sobre-el-consumo-de-azucares-en-panama

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