

How to Cite
Pimentel González, L. M. (2018). The life of an individual with neurocognitive disorders for alzheimer’s disease . Saluta, (1), 33–42. https://doi.org/10.37594/saluta.v1i1.156
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Alzheimer’s is a degenerative neurocognitive disorder that affects the execution and memory functions of people who suffer from it, this means that they are unable to perform simple activities in their jobs and even in their self-care, forget people close to them and that progressively become dependent on the care of other people. This pathology represents the main cause of dementia worldwide in adults over 60 years of age and its causes are unknown but it is attributed as a risk factor advanced age, recurrent cranial lesions, alterations with the E4 apolipoprotein and in patients with genetic alterations such as trisonomy 21 and cerebrovascular diseases. The diagnosis of this pathology is made regularly in the most advanced stages of the disease because people confuse the first symptoms and signs as characteristic of a normal aging and when being detected it is very complicated to be able to handle the disease. It is estimated that the application of research programs and projects focused on developing cost-effective approaches to detect this neurocognitive condition in the early stages is of utmost importance, becoming an essential step towards reducing the burden of the disease. Some studies conducted by the Panamanian program PARI (Panama Aging Research Initiative) indicate that the main obstacle to the diagnosis and effective treatment of Alzheimer’s disease is the lack of readily available biomarkers. It is shown that through cerebral images and biomarkers of cerebrospinal fluid are very accurate in the detection of the disease. It is very important to assess the impact of this condition on the families of the patients, remembering that they must be enriched with a series of tools and methods that allow them to help their family member to lead an adequate quality of life despite their suffering and avoiding overloads and frustration in direct caregivers by not knowing how to handle the progressive and degenerative changes of the patient, as well as psychological assistance that will help them to face the different adaptations that will appear in the family environment.



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