

How to Cite
Acevedo Castillo, A. A. (2018). Social exclusion of the mental illness . Saluta, (1), 11–17. https://doi.org/10.37594/saluta.v1i1.142
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People with mental illness every day face a suffering that is caused by their mental illness, they struggle with the continuous limitations that are derived from the disease, besides that nowadays, in many of the actions has been manifested and noticed the ignorance of the society about the reality of a mental patient and the circumstances in which they are involved every day. It is not easy to face the social exclusion that is received by others, it can often determine and amplify the social integration of these people. Social attitudes practiced in a negative way tend to lead to the exclusion of those that can produce a marginalized social image that affects welfare, adaptation and social participation, raising additional barriers that will increase the isolation and marginalization of each of these people.



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