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Hidalgo Ramírez, F., Contreras Landgrave, G., Santos Monroy, A., & Flores Pérez, V. (2024). The fine line between alleviating and masking: Ethical reflections on the use of psychotropic drugs in mental health. Saluta, 1(10). https://doi.org/10.37594/saluta.v1i10.1399
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The overuse of psychotropic drugs in mental health raises ethical dilemmas in a context of seeking immediate relief and reassurance. While these medications alleviate symptoms, their long-term effects and the risk of masking underlying problems can be a concern. The influence of hypermodernity in the world's societies prioritizes instant gratification, reflected in contemporary culture and in the excessive prescription of psychotropic drugs, patients who come to first level medical consultation or also called general care, should be channeled to a mental health specialist and not only medicated to appease the discomfort of stress, anxiety and depression, which can manifest in insomnia, irritability, lack of motivation, etc.. This trend is problematic, especially when professionals lack mental health expertise. The COVID-19 pandemic exacerbated this phenomenon, highlighting the need to consider therapeutic alternatives. While psychotropic drugs are useful, their prescription must be ethical and complemented by psychotherapy. It is important to adopt a holistic and patient-centered approach to ensure quality mental health care. This approach not only addresses immediate symptoms, but also treats the underlying symptoms, thus promoting possible holistic and sustainable wellness for patients.



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