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Veloso Pérez, E., Puga García, A., Veloso Rodríguez, A., Abreu Martín, L., Ramos Palmero, R. M., & Puga Madiedo, G. M. (2024). Motivational profile and academic performance of first-year students of Medicine at the University of Medical Sciences of Sancti Spiritus, Cuba. Course 2023. Saluta, 1(10), 21–33. https://doi.org/10.37594/saluta.v1i10.1359
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It is known that the reasons for entering university determine, to a large extent, the student's success in the selected career and, subsequently, their performance as a professional. Furthermore, motivation has a very close relationship with the academic performance that students achieve given their motivational levels. The objective of the study was to identify the possible relationship between the motivational profiles of first-year students who entered the Medicine career at the Sancti Spiritus University of Medical Sciences in the 2023 academic year and their academic performance at the end of the second evaluation cycle. An observational, descriptive and cross-sectional study was carried out in the period from January to December of the 2023 academic year, at the University of Medical Sciences of Sancti Spiritus. Theoretical methods were used to substantiate the research and the empirical method Motivational Hierarchy test (Technique of the ten desires) RAMDI-G, which was applied between weeks three and four of having begun the academic year, as well as analysis of documents from the General Secretariat of the University with the objective of knowing the teaching results in promotion in ordinary exams during the second evaluation cycle of the course. The study variables were described in tables. Results show that the reasons related to Personal Satisfaction are the most expressed by the students, constituting a difficulty to be solved by the pedagogical group of the course, since they are not directly related to the study, which undoubtedly influenced the low performance obtained. , since the total promotion of the cycle closes with 49.16% of failed and only 15% of results between Excellent and Good. Was concluded that the first-year students of Medicine in the 2023 academic year at the Sancti Spiritus University of Medical Sciences do not present a motivational profile that favors study and therefore good academic results. This requires psycho-pedagogical interventions that modify this profile and achieve the comprehensive training of future professionals, to satisfy social demands in the health sector.



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