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Collantes, R., Sánchez-González, E., & Santos Murgas, A. (2024). Stinging caterpillars (Lepidoptera) associated with coffee agroecosystems in Río Sereno - Chiriquí, Panama. Saluta, 1(10). https://doi.org/10.37594/saluta.v1i10.1350
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Coffee (Coffea arabica) is a strategic item that contributes to sustainable development; However, in addition to the main pests that compromise production, stinging caterpillars (Lepidoptera) may also be associated with the coffee agroecosystem, which represent a risk to human health. the objective was to identify the stinging caterpillars’ species associated with coffee agroecosystems in Río Sereno, Renacimiento – Chiriquí, Panama. The study was descriptive and exploratory. Between February 2021 and November 2022, monthly monitoring was carried out in an experimental plot of 2500 m2 with C. arabica crop under shade with Erythrina poeppigiana. The caterpillars found were photographed and collected to confirm their identification in the laboratory, consulting specialized literature. results show that during the study period, five stinging caterpillars were found, of which two corresponded to different morphotypes (white and yellow), of the species Megalopyge opercularis (J. E. Smith, 1797) (Megalopygidae), affecting the foliage of E. poeppigiana; while, in coffee plants, three species were identified, Automeris zozine Druce, 1886 (Saturniidae), Carales astur (Cramer, 1777) (Erebidae) and Euglyphis amathuria (Druce, 1890) (Lasiocampidae). Particularly in the cases of M. opercularis and A. zozine, it is known that they are species provided with spines or hairs that, upon contact with the skin, release poison that can cause burning, pain, inflammation and, in more severe cases, the erucism victim requires medical attention. was concluded that the stinging caterpillars associated with the coffee agroecosystem in Río Sereno are represented by four families and in turn by four species, of which two represent an important risk to human health.



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Santos-Murgas A, Jerkovic M, Atencio R, Collantes, R. Larvas urticantes Automeris (Lepidoptera: Saturniidae) en Cajanus cajan: riesgo para la salud de productores panameños. Revista Peruana de Ciencias de la Salud [Internet]. 20 de diciembre de 2022 [citado 02 de abril de 2024]; 4(4): 226-231. https://doi.org/10.37711/rpcs.2022.4.4.390 (5)

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