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Collantes González, R. D., Del Cid Alvarado, R. J., Reina Peña, L. D., De Obaldía, J. A., Lara, D., & Morales, M. (2024). Tasting of honey from africanized bees at the LXVII David International Fair – Chiriquí, Panamá. Saluta, 1(10), 11–21. https://doi.org/10.37594/saluta.v1i10.1348
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Africanized bees have a defensive behavior responsible for poisoning accidents (product of their stings) in people and animals. However, these insects widely distributed in the Neotropics contribute to the sustainability of the agroecosystem and are used to obtain honey, appreciated for its nutraceutical properties. Objective: To carry out a tasting test of honey from Africanized bees. The study was developed during the LXVII David International Fair – Chiriquí, using non-probabilistic sampling, randomly choosing 40 adult volunteer participants. Each person was given three samples of honey from the apiaries of the Instituto de Innovación Agropecuaria de Panamá: Ollas Arriba – Panamá Oeste, Buena Vista – Colón and El Ejido – Los Santos. A structured survey was made using Google forms, with questions about organoleptic properties, associated plants, rating for each honey, consumption and whether they would participate in another study. The results show that the honey from Ollas Arriba is dark amber, while those from Buena Vista and El Ejido are clear. The predominant aroma in the honey from Ollas Arriba was woody, that of Buen Vista was floral/fruity and that of El Ejido was warm. Regarding the flavor, sweet predominated in Ollas Arriba and Buena Vista, but spicy in El Ejido. The honey from Ollas Arriba is more related to timber species, that from Buena Vista with citrus fruits and that from El Ejido with wild flowers. Ollas Arriba honey received the best rating, between good and excellent, by 87.5% of those surveyed. About 32.5% consume honey occasionally, mainly for health and nutrition, and all respondents would participate in future studies. Among the conclusions we can mention that the honeys from Africanized bees tasted during the study present differentiated organoleptic properties, associated with the predominant flora and the main reason for consumption being better health and nutrition.



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