

How to Cite
Soler Gómez, P. C., Castañeda Mota, M. M., & Zacatelco Ramírez, F. (2024). Implementation of a personalized instruction system with outstanding students at the basic level. Saluta, (9), 22–36. https://doi.org/10.37594/saluta.v1i9.1245
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In this study, the theoretical elements considered in the examination of children with outstanding abilities in the field of Inclusive Education are presented. The research, theoretical, methodological, and social foundations are derived from Bunge's Systemism (2003) as a field vision that allows methodologies to be derived, with a diversity of interventions within a coherent and scientific field. Likewise, Renzulli (1978) is considered in the study of students with outstanding abilities, taking into account Morin's (2003) proposals on complex competencies. In this way, a Personalized Instruction System (SIP) program, initially developed by Fred S. Keller, was implemented in three students indicated by their teachers with grades 9 and 10 in the third grade of elementary school, for their intervention. First, the complex competencies that characterize them were evaluated; and later moved to to the SIP program, considering progress at their own learning pace, in both face-to-face and digital environments, representing an innovation in the field of inclusive education. The results of this study were analyzed with the Wilcoxon signed-rank test, with which a W = 21 was deduce with n s/r = 6 to obtain a significance value of 0.024, thereby confirming the effectiveness of the personalized instruction system in addressing this population, promoting the development of their characteristic competencies, and offering an inclusive alternative within their own school environment.



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