

How to Cite
Cisneros, B., & Valdivieso Cuichán, L. F. (2023). Competency-based training: An opportunity for indigenous communities on the path to success in today’s world: . Oratores Journal, (18), 102–111. https://doi.org/10.37594/oratores.n18.892
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In today’s society, the concept of integral development has acquired impressive relevance, being understood as the process of growth and evolution of an individual in all dimensions of his being; both: physical, cognitive, emotional and social, to achieve comprehensive development, it is necessary to have a training based on competencies; the same ones that are sets of knowledge, skills, attitudes and values that allow people to effectively face the challenges and demands of the environment in which they operate. In the communities, poverty is revealed in each home that makes up these areas, it has not been possible to extinguish the symptoms of selfish policies that each government in power has applied, emerging from these bowels high rates of illiteracy, malnutrition, migration and death that lurks in each attempt to escape from their realities has caused this door to take many lives. Each government on duty issues educational policies that are not inclusive, worse still respond to their realities that manage to train boys, girls, young people with a competitive profile that allow them to develop fully and comprehensively to train empowered leaders, knowledgeable and bearers of solutions being protagonists. assets to offer opportunities to their vulnerable, exploited and hard-working peoples capable of forging changes with constant struggle. Education is the deepest alternative to change this dire reality, they have understood it, which is why they have chosen to continue their secondary studies in educational institutions that offer blended learning, being the greatest support to be able to work from Monday to Friday, and can continue their studies on weekends (Saturday and Sunday) in this way financially support their younger siblings for food and education that is barely enough for them. In this essay, it will be explored how the formation of competences contributes to the integral development of people.



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