Revista Oratores - No. 4 - Junio - Noviembre de 2016


How to Cite
Lafont Mendoza, L., & Vera Guadrón, L. J. (2017). Texts production virtual teaching as a strategy in english academic performance. Oratores Journal, (4), 11–24.
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This study aimed to assess the correlation between textual production virtual lessons for student's further training, focused on teaching English in elementary school and its level of performance in the Normal School of Sahagún Córdoba. The study was based with the theoretical contributions of Basturkmen (2012), Day and Krzanowski (2011), Diaz and Hernandez (2010), among others. The research was explanatory, with quasi-experimental design, longitudinal field. The population was established in the third semester with students of normal school Sahagún, it was administered a pretest and posttest of knowledge to the students, subject to validity and reliability, data were processed using inferential statistics.
The results of the first test revealed that there is a low yield, after applying the strategy it was possible that the two groups obtain the posttest high performance, as they reached the textual production of primers designed using virtual tools and performance level in a second language such as English. These results were obtained from a study conducted in three phases: theoretical revision regarding the use of teaching and learning strategies; application of pretest and posttest to 40 students of III semester further training and finally, the development of booklets published o in Calameo; It concludes that teaching strategies on student performance improved and meet the standards of competence required by the Ministry of Education.



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