Revista ORATORES 10


How to Cite
Barón Pinto, L. L. (2020). Early research training: A necessity in Colombia and Latin America. Oratores Journal, (10), 28–45.
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To talk about early training in research, is to highlight one of the main needs of elementary education institutions, not only in Colombia, but in all Latin America. The goal of this article is to provide a series of reflections on the role of the teacher in the early training of research skills and on the relationship between competences, research processes and didactics. The main approach indicates that it is not necessary to teach the child the methodology so that he / she can learn the skills to investigate in an early age, but that it is important to develop basic competences, such as analysis and observation, the ability to collect and process information to identify problems, as well as, discipline, perseverance, responsibility, honesty, among others. All of this to help children acquire  and develop the required skills before going to college, since learning to investigate is not achieved in two years which it is the time that a postgraduate degree lasts. These competencies require a particular didactic from the teacher, such as motivation towards reading and writing, encouraging the good use of technology, assigning presentations to children, setting up work groups to analyze situations that represent solutions to problems, start the class with questions on the subject, instead of starting directly with the explanation, etc. The basic competences developed in early education are those that will grant the researcher the perfect conditions for him / her to master the concept of science, the process and execution of a research and also feel satisfied during the process.



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