How to Cite
Arauz, J., Ibarra, K., Iglesias, N., Santimateo, W., Velásquez, D., Guerrero, A., Ríos, E., Pérez, M., & González, V. (2020). Memory based on learning difficulties. Revista Semilla Científica, (1), 62–78. Retrieved from
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We seek to raise as the main theme is learning-based memory, taking into account that these two terms are specific mechanisms that are activated by environmental stimuli and that are capable of modifying behaviors. That being the case, those stimuli can influence behavior through their interaction with genetic programs. In addition, it seeks to identify the importance of memory in the learning process and also to distinguish between the different phases, factors and disorders of the process of memorizing content during learning. Although it is true that long ago the brain was still thought of as a kind of trunk in which memories were properly stored in compartments, today it is known that the entire brain intervenes in the process of learning and memorizing and that there is no memory organ proper. The limbic system is, apparently, the one in charge of controlling the data stored in the memory



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Programa de Investigación: Resultados educativos Crecer 2018. Dirigidos por: Harvey Spencer Sánchez-Restrepo presidente ejecutivo.

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