The expert in criminalistics must know the importance of the regulations and ethical challenges in the drafting of expert reports applied to forensic practices, where the ability and capacity of analysis, writing and interpretation of the technical language used. A correct application of these are characterized by the great performance in the work and personal environment of the experts, determining the integrity, responsibility to perform the correct procedures and criteria for the development and drafting of expert reports focusing on the principles and values such as confidentiality, legality, transparency, among others, with standards such as the relationship of the elements received, motivation or rationale of the study, using reliable methods, and thus maintain objectivity and proper implementation in forensic practices. On the basis of the ideas presented in the “Standardization and Ethical Challenges in the Drafting of Expert Reports Applied to Forensic Practice”, which tried to explain how ethical regulations are applied in the standards and drafting of expert reports, with the aim of explaining and substantiating the importance of ethical regulations within the expert standards applied to forensic sciences, In fact, the aim was to study the importance of the application of ethical regulations within the standards of expert reports and their drafting, in the field of forensic science and criminalistics, the professional of the expertise to obtain technical-scientific conclusions under two very important aspects: Impartiality and objectivity of its applied methodology, thus avoiding ethical biases.
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