

How to Cite
Flores, E., Govea, F., Ávila, C., Norato, A., Arrocha, E., Aparicio, G., Mendoza, J., Barrios, N., Espinosa, Y., Córdoba, Y., Tejedor Polo, M., & Barrios, M. (2023). The Impact of Femicide, a problem of violence that stalks women. Revista Semilla Científica, 1(4), 634–643. https://doi.org/10.37594/sc.v1i4.1305
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This study analyzes Femicide, Violence against Women, has a tendency to a social problem observed in the Republic of Panama, which frames the progressive mistreatment of women, this being the last step of violence. The objective is to carry out an investigation associated with the impact of femicide and to get women to recognize that they are mistreated and seek help to avoid the increase in deaths. Indicator elements are presented before a femicide: low self-esteem, fear, identity problems, feelings of guilt, distorted self-image, among others, allowing to establish interventions that manage to avoid tragedies. In the methodology, surveys will be carried out on women, preferably of legal age. and that they may present some degree of vulnerability to violence, developing risks in their personal and family life. Once this information is collected, descriptive statistics will be applied. Subsequently, the analysis of the results will be made to obtain the conclusions of this investigation.



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