

How to Cite
Arritola, A., Chi, S., Fernandez, M., Montiel, F., & Añez, A. (2023). Joint injuries in the Delfines Panama swimming team aged 10-14 years old. Revista Semilla Científica, 1(4), 623–628. https://doi.org/10.37594/sc.v1i4.1303
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Below is an extract of what happens with the different musculoskeletal injuries in a Children’s Swimming team, between the ages of 10 and 14. This research is based on surveys and opinions of coaches and swimmers, explaining their experiences with this type of injury in sports. The objective of it is to find out what is the main reason why children are affected, either due to lack of stretching before training and after it; Another reason would be to perform the movements of the different styles incorrectly, causing their injuries. The results of the surveyed population show that they suffer from Ligament injuries (50% among boys and girls), a few others from Ankle injuries (25% among boys and girls) and Rotator Cuff injuries (15% among boys and girls)., and groin injury (10% only among girls). The ages most prone to these types of injuries range from 12 to 14 years since they have a more intense type of training and the competitions where they are measured require much more effort. It is also worth noting their types of training, there are the microcycles and the Macrocycles, although they do not cause injuries to their athletes, these have a high intensity and are done by seasons, having a very high difficulty, and that added to the wear and tear that the child has or girl, makes this type of injury appear.



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