

How to Cite
Williamson, D., Núñez, C., Vásquez, C., & Añez, A. (2023). Professional impact of UMECIT English graduates as a result of Panama’s socio-political and economic problems. Revista Semilla Científica, 1(4), 577–589. https://doi.org/10.37594/sc.v1i4.1300
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As a summary, it should be noted that the project is called Professional Impact of English Graduates where we present its different feabilities and problems that can be solved in different ways as we present in the Ishikawa diagram where different points are presented with their respective solution and ability to present themselves in the impact. In this way, it explains all its intercultural dynamics, its teaching methodology to create different types of courses, sizes and educational programs for a better well-being and learning of the university youth and adult.



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