We define health center management as a strategy to systematize and order health care processes, based on scientific evidence and the participation of professionals to make decisions for the benefit of the patient. This study focuses on the management of the archive department at the Llano Bonito Health Center, using a methodology that includes a survey to acquire quantitative and qualitative data. The analysis of results show a mixture of opinions among the respondents. Although most agree on the implementation of the organization and classification of records in the archive, as well as on the importance of measures for the confidentiality and security of patient information, there are areas that generate confusion or discrepancies. Review of the department’s processes is done through interviews, data collection, simulations and modeling, as well as analysis techniques. In conclusion, it is highlighted the need for those responsible for measuring management indicators to have in their objectives when evaluating the information provided by them. This study highlights the importance of proper management in the health environment, where quality decision-making must consider economic efficiency without compromising patient care. It is essential to address identified areas of confusion and ensure that the archiving department functions efficiently to maintain safe and accessible medical records for the benefit of healthcare and healthcare facility management.
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