How to Cite
Campines, S. ., Córdoba, C. ., Troudart, M. ., Beltrán, A. ., Pérez, A. ., Santos, Y. ., Carrasco, E. ., Almengor, J. ., Salina Santos, E. ., Samudio , M. ., Bordones, A. ., Muñoz, A. ., Martínez, Y. ., Jiménez, M. ., Gaitán, A. ., & Herrera, C. . (2022). Business investment project: Cold Orange Juice. Revista Semilla Científica, (3), 306–323. Retrieved from
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After the arrival of the Pandemic by the COVID-19, in the Republic of Panama, there are many people who took the decision to open new businesses called “enterprises”, which is why, on this occasion, the issue of investment will be developed under the name “Cold Orange Juice”. This research assesses the profit margins produced after deducting all the expenses involved in implementing such production, in other words, the profitability of the project is measured; these calculations were made by means of a financial study, taking into account each of its valuable economic resources (assets and capital). Cold Orange Juice is located in one of the most populated and crowded areas of the province of Panama Oeste as is the district of Arraijan additional to this, there is only one branch and the same keeps defined its organizational structure following the parameters of the hierarchical order according to functions, that is, it starts with the establishment of a general manager up to the staff in charge of the production department.



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