This research sought to analyze those principles facilitating women’s empowerment contemplated SEMILLA CIENTÍFICA. ISSN: 2710-7574 ISSN Electrónico: L2710-7574. Año 3. Número 3. 2022 245 in some governmental programs of the Republic of Panama, during the year 2021, making a relationship between the content of the programs and the principles of women’s empowerment widely analyzed by the United Nations (UN) Women in collaboration with the United Nations Global Compact in 2004. The purpose is to identify those aspects that facilitate empowerment in the programs implemented by the national government, as a national mechanism to achieve fairer and more stable societies and improve the quality of life of women, especially those who come from rural areas with degrees of marginalization and social exclusion. An analytical-exploratory methodological approach was used, since it consisted mainly of documentary review and analysis, which allowed us to conduct a retrospective search on the content of the programs to identify the principles of empowerment and then determine whether they have had an impact on the promotion of gender equality and women’s empowerment. The selected sample consisted of three (3) government institutions, among them the Ministry of Social Development (MIDES), Ministry of Labor and Labor Development (MITRADEL) and the National Women’s Institute (INAMU), this sample was chosen because of the ease of access to information, the technique used for the analysis of the information was the content analysis, which allowed concluding that all the programs contain aspects related to the principles of women’s empowerment. Therefore, we recommend continuing to implement these programs for the benefit of women and thus achieve their empowerment.
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