How to Cite
Sáez, A., De Gracia, E., Pinto, A., & Sarco, A. (2021). The most demanded careers at a higher level and their challenges to satisfy the labor market in Panama. Revista Semilla Científica, (2), 238–246. Retrieved from
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Higher education has been presenting some advances that help to obtain a comprehensive training that until now was considered limited for students, due to the fact that it was an education that was taught for knowledge of the moment and perhaps only to meet the requirements demanded, however, it has had to develop other actions in such a way that students can achieve a job place more easily. This work was carried out in order to know relevant aspects related to the most demanded careers at the higher level and the challenges to satisfy the labor market in Panama. We sought information in the first instance as a reference of the processes of change that encompasses the world economythat help to determine the importance of processes where new technologies of information are incorporated into higher education training. To obtain the information, direct observation and literature review were used, which allowed to establish that there is a vital importance in the training of students, especially in the current moments where it is necessary to seek professional training in careers that are easily inserted in the labor field so competitive.



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