How to Cite
Acosta, X., & Ulloa Samaniego, A. . (2021). Influence of quarantine measures by Covid-19 on the daily life of the students of Medical Records- UMECIT- Chitré. Revista Semilla Científica, (2), 95–107. Retrieved from
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This article was part of the academic activities on the subject Research Methodology of the Metropolitan University of Education, Science and Technology, Chitré headquarters, with the purpose of implementing the methodological process in social problems, particularly those caused by the worldwide appearance of covid-19. The objective of the investigation was to determine the influence of the quarantine measures for Covid 19 in the daily life of the students of medical records from Umecit-Chitré The objective of the investigation was to determine the influence of the quarantine measures for Covid 19 in the daily lives of the students of Umecit-Chitré medical records. The research is developed under a quantitative approach, descriptive explanatory, nonexperimental design, cross-sectional, seeking to determine the social, economic, labor and educational areas that impact the lives of students, due to the appearance of Covid-19 and quarantine measures. A sample composed of the students from the group B-A- 2018 S CH was chosen, due to the ease represented by the application of the information collection instrument, the survey. As a conclusion, 89% of the students were impacted in different areas of daily life and of them 33% worked independently before the pandemic. The study also reflected that 67% of the surveyed population is young, aged between 19-23 years.



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