The present project is called as a feasibility study to establish the company SNACKS FRUIT PTY, its objective is to determine the future profitability of the company through an evaluation of the financial viability and the various scenarios outside the normal economic conditions of the company. Its implementation in the province of Panamá Oeste, district of La Chorrera is timely since it is a province that is growing every day and there are many people interested in consuming healthy and cheap products, it is also a business that its competitors are minimal according to the research carried out in the project area. An organizational structure for the operation of the company is proposed that has an administrator, maintenance manager, sales manager, operating personnel and warehouse managers. To obtain the total investment amount, it is presented within the financial study or a breakdown of assets and working capital to determine unit quantities and costs of the production, operation and start-up equipment. It is a total investment of B/. 11,215.00 where 70% (B/. 7,850.50), will be financed by a financial entity, payable over 10 years; whose approximate interest rate is 7.5% per year. The remaining 30% (B/. 3,364.50) will be financed by capitalist partners. The monthly letter to repay the debt is B/. 1,143.71.
MINISTERIO DE RELACIONES EXTERIORES. PANAMÁ ABRE LA PRIMERA OFICINA AGROCOMERCIAL PARA POTENCIAR EXPORTACIÓN A EUROPA. Recuperado de https://www.mire.gob.pa/index.VIT/es/noticias-de-belgica/13015-panamaabre-la-primera-oficina-agrocomercial-para-potenciar-exportacion-a-europa
LA GRAN MANZANA, (febrero,2015), Oportunidades y ventajas del marketing internacional. Recuperado de https://lagranmanzana.net/oportunidades-y-ventajas-delmarketing-internacional/
VITÓNICA. Los diferentes tipos de deshidratación y cómo prevenirlas. Recuperado de https://www.vitonica.com/prevencion/los-diferentes-tipos-de-deshidratacion-y-comoprevenirlas