How to Cite
Vásquez, I., & Sarco, A. (2020). The difficulties and challenges that Panama faces when implementing the flipped classroom in distance education during the COVID-19 pandemic: Teacher perspective. Revista Semilla Científica, (1), 381–390. Retrieved from
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The objective of this work was to know the difficulties that the learning model has in the currently inverted classroom; As well as the challenges that it faces in Panama, for this study an online survey was applied to obtain the results, it can be mentioned that socioeconomic differences in the population also play an important role in this process since most of the students they do not have the necessary technological tools and the little they have is hardly enough for food, another important aspect is technological ignorance because the educational method is the traditional one and some teachers are not familiar with educational platforms, the resistance of Some teachers of the implementation of technology in distance education is also one of the challenges facing this learning model. In conclusion, I can say that the implementation of the distance education model in the inverted classroom would go through many difficulties and challenges due to the fact that technology has not been sufficiently developed as in other countries, in addition to having to guide students and teachers in how to use this model of education; but given the current situation it can be an option so that the learning continuity is not lost.



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