

How to Cite
Beltran Morales, W. J. (2023). Think inter/transdisciplinarity as a complementary, horizontal and integrative model of the knowledge segmentarity. Oratores Journal, (19), 153–173. https://doi.org/10.37594/oratores.n19.1197
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This essay reviews the different derivations of the discipline, placing more emphasis on inter/trans-disciplinary methodologies as a conscious and creative transformation, association, linking and interaction model of the disciplines that emerges as an alternative solution to the complex problems facing science today. To talk about the border of knowledge, it is necessary to ask ourselves: What is the limit? When referring to all those partitions, divisions and segmentations that exist, it is the representation of a border marking of something, in short, the limit means not being exceeded under any circumstances. In other words, it is the point, whether physical or psychological, that cannot be crossed. When this limit is debated in the sciences, there is a certain tension and discomfort between the disciplines. Inter/transdisciplinarity does not seek to challenge the legitimacy of disciplinary knowledge, on the contrary, they decide to reaffirm their traditions by stimulating certain disciplinary articulation and integration gestures, inter/transdisciplinary studies have progressively gained ground in universities and the research environment to be considered a transversal axis of their substantive functions, but they have lost their theoretical density and also their intellectual subtlety by becoming very polysemic concepts in the academic and, above all, practical fields where few specific strategies are evidenced that promote This articulation and disciplinary and curricular integration begins.



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