

How to Cite
Velásquez , V., & Carrasco, D. (2022). Legal aspects for the regulation of social commerce in Panama. Cathedra Journal, (17), 75–90. https://doi.org/10.37594/cathedra.n17.669
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Social commerce is a new model of electronic commerce, which uses social networks to sell products and services directly to consumers. This is something new, and today it is having a great growth, due to the increase in the use of social networks and the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic, which contributed to merchants looking for new sales channels to obtain income. . Users spend more time on social networks such as Instagram, Twitter or Facebook to make various purchases of products or services that the accounts of these networks are publishing. Social networks are offering their resources to entrepreneurs and merchants to sell products or services, with different tools available and access to millions of users from Panama and the world, who are interacting and consuming the content they have every day; giving, an average profit for the exchange of goods and services. In the Republic of Panama, its legislation currently does not contemplate this new business model, which makes its organization, control and development difficult, causing the impediment that there are clear rules that help Panama have a safe and friendly environment for the realization of this new activity. For its regulation, it is necessary to create laws that focus on its development, thus avoiding situations such as tax evasion; as well as the protection of personal data, purchase guarantees, buyer reimbursements, billing, shipments of merchandise, advertising, giveaways and raffles, protection of intellectual property and related rights, among other aspects more than current Panamanian laws do not cover.



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