

How to Cite
González Fuentes, L. R. (2022). Identification of semen traces in sex crime cases and their importance in forensic investigation in Panama. Cathedra Journal, (17), 30–42. https://doi.org/10.37594/cathedra.n17.666
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The main purpose of this investigation was to carry out an assessment of the latest advances in forensic scientific analytical techniques that have been implemented in the Biomolecular Analysis Unit, in cases of Crimes Against Modesty and Sexual Integrity and the importance of immediate action of the Criminalistics and Legal Medicine team for the search and collection of indications and samples of biological fluids, both at the scene of the events and in the victim himself and in this way the expert  of the Forensic Laboratory can obtain efficient and effective results in his Forensic scientific expert evidence endorsed by the specialist community and that can serve as probative material that connects the victim with the sexual offender and be an auxiliary entity to the administration of justice and thus to prove the punishable act. A description of current forensic technical-scientific methodologies was made, used for the search and identification of human semen as well as the great importance that these forensic scientific expert opinions have before a Court of Justice.



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