

How to Cite
Escala, S. M. (2023). The principle of legality and administrative discretion in the public administration. Cathedra Journal, (19), 11–22. https://doi.org/10.37594/cathedra.n19.878
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Administrative law is the set of legal rules that govern the organization, powers and functions of public institutions, whose activities are aimed at achieving the social welfare of citizens. Administrative law not only focuses on the legal relationship of the Public Administration with citizens, but also includes the regulations governing public services.

The Public Administration is the set of state agencies whose activities are aimed at satisfying public needs, however, to avoid arbitrariness or abuse in the Public Administration by those who hold power, it is essential that their actions be carried out on the basis of the principle of legality, as a fundamental rule of the rule of law.

The principle of legality guarantees that all the actions of the Public Administration are subject to the law and are controlled by the Judiciary through the Third Chamber of the Supreme Court of Justice, which exercises control of legality in relation to administrative acts. and must ensure effective judicial protection that protects the rights of citizens.

After addressing the principle of legality, the issue of administrative discretion arises, which translates into the reasonableness that officials must exercise in accordance with their powers, to resolve situations whose particularities are not contemplated in the regulations, and that require immediate attention.

Our society evolves, but the regulations do not necessarily follow the same rhythm, therefore, administrative discretion is the core of the problem of administrative law, however, said discretion based on the Public Administration is not limited to the automatic application of the laws, but to its essential purpose, which is to satisfy public needs.

The discretionary power appears as a margin of discretion of public institutions, which represents an opportunity to dictate an administrative act for reasons of public interest, which is always subject to judicial control, in order to guarantee the protection of fundamental rights.

Faced with administrative discretion, the motivation of administrative acts plays an important role, in which the competence must be reflected in accordance with the law, the background, object and cause of fact and law, which supports as far as possible the rational justification of the administrative act in accordance with the functions of the Public Administration.



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