Cathedra No. 4 Año 4 - Noviembre 2015 - Abril 2016


How to Cite
Rivera Cano, O. (2017). Self-defense as a justification in criminal law panameño. Cathedra Journal, (4), 25–32.
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Self-defense within the Panamanian criminal jurisdiction may be understood as the action by the victim of a crime to its aggressor in defense of a right to a real and imminent threat, lacking any legal basis, which the lists of unfair, through a proportional to that used by the attacker, without being the victim who committed provocation enough to deserve the aggression which is the subject medium, a fact that is not possible only the victim, but also to a third party who defends this aggression, under the circumstances before embodied. This figure, typical of our criminal law, which as we know is of policy, legal, preventive, punitive, public, finalist and re-socializing, consonant with our Constitution and Conventions and Treaties international character of which Panama is a signatory, should be above interest to students of our School of Law and Forensic Sciencesgotten accounts covering if human behavior object of an allegedly punitive questioning, has been immersed per se those basic elements of criminality, illegality and guilt, giving the lawyer or criminologist, a prism on which has to sustain his argument or investigation as the case and is so important, that to be self-defense (justification), even if there is damage to a protected legal right, under our criminal law Article 32, we mean any crime executed Key words: Causes of Justification, criminal law, self-defense



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