

How to Cite
Forero Agudelo, J. C. (2021). Socio-legal-conceptual analysis of the reparation of victims of the armed conflict, seen from the peace agreement with the FARC EP. Cathedra Journal, (16), 70–80. https://doi.org/10.37594/cathedra.n16.550
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This article has the purpose of identifying the paradigm of conceptual socio-legal interpretation of the reparation of victims of armed conflict, seen from the peace agreement with the FARC EP, for this the reader will find three moments, first of all, on the paradigms of socio-legal conceptual interpretation of the reparation of victims of the armed conflict in the light of the peace agreement with the FARC EP, then the processes of creating a paradigm and finally a paradigm of interpretation will be formulated, where it is intended to generate a new conceptual dynamic , the qualitative method will be applied to the above, with a conceptual approach, inductively (Cerda Gutierrez, págs. 45-60)



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