

How to Cite
Sánchez V., C. A. (2021). The homicide attempt and its application difficulty in the panamanian criminal process. Cathedra Journal, (16), 60–69. https://doi.org/10.37594/cathedra.n16.549
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Our Political Constitution of the Republic of Panama protects many fundamental guarantees as a protected legal asset, one of which is life, in this article we will find the imperfect way to carry out the Crime of Homicide, that is, its degree of attempt. Exposing important aspects for the materialization and how it is applied in our Panamanian criminal legislation, first of all; see the difficulty that this entails when carrying out an objective investigation, under the parameters of the criminal conduct itself considered a crime (typicity, unlawfulness, and guilt).



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Leyes y documentos legales
Código Orgánico Integral Ecuatoriano.
Constitución de la República de Panamá.
Convención Americana sobre Derechos Humano.


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