

How to Cite
Vivas Lloreda, W. Y. (2021). The prior consultation as a fundamental right of collective ownership of indigenous peoples, afros, rum and tribals and its ineffectivity in the protection of protected territories. Cathedra Journal, (16), 39–59. https://doi.org/10.37594/cathedra.n16.548
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Prior consultation, as fundamental to the collective ownership of ethnic peoples, constitutes an instrument of defense of not only the territory of ethnic minorities, but also an instrument, a fundamental right and a human right that fosters the defense of other basic rights of the community and its members such as culture, beliefs, personal integrity, food security and survival itself, for this, prior consultation should become an effective right of material protection and not a merely formal right of protection. Making the right to prior consultation a mechanism or only formal right of protection would constitute an instrument for the denial of other rights protected in the Colombian police constitution and in international instruments such as the American Convention on Human Rights, therefore in this article seeking to generate a document that motivates the transformation of this legal instrument of formal protection to become an instrument of effective protection, of material protection of rights, in different legal systems.



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