

How to Cite
Avila Arrocha, A. G. (2021). Work of field criminalistics in Panama. Cathedra Journal, (15), 84–94. https://doi.org/10.37594/cathedra.n15.473
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The work of a crime scene in Panama is not clear for the administration of justice and the society, that´s why is necessary to make a description of the crime scene investigator´s work, in a way that we can visualize the objectives that can be accomplish by making an inspection of the crime scene.The inspection of a crime scene can be very helpful for the investigation of a crime, because through the pictures we can record and collect information to make future decisions on the case. The inspection of the crime scene is the first scientific approach that is make in a case, that's why is important to know about it. Innovation and modernization attack all sectors and especially criminalistics that is constantly evolving, so it is significant to evaluate the processes and techniques that are applied to update them and improve the work that is carried out and, in this way, get better results.




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