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That person who has been victimized by a criminal event, fact or conduct, without having wished, enters the criminal procedural field, in order to request guardianship and protection from the State, which is exercised to some extent by the representative of the Public ministry. Therefore, the provincial criminal prosecutors will initiate a series of investigations to find the whereabouts of the person responsible, will accumulate the greatest number of elements of conviction, and will request their respective accusatory request, once they have identified and located the author or authors. So far, it does not go beyond the theory, the assumption that the victim is protected by the State in an integral way; However, in South American countries, and especially in Peru, the victim’s rum has not had the prominence that the doctrine has already assigned them, since the first works of Hans von Hentig and Benjamin Mendelshon, in the 1940s. 20th century. Given this, this work tries to glimpse the limited work of the State through its “tutelary” institutions, regarding the protection and guardianship of the rights of the victim of a crime, since our regulations are deficient, and although, The new criminal procedure code of 2004, and having entered into force in 2006, has good intentions by having several specific articles on the legal treatment of the victim, having been assigned various names: aggrieved, injured, private plaintiff, and civil actor. In view of this, international norms on the protection of victims’ rights have also been used, which are only mentioned by some internal norms, but they are useless if their application is null, and are invoked by authorities of the criminal legal system .
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