

How to Cite
González Herrera, A. H. (2020). Trends in criminal law: A global approach versus The reality of Panama. Cathedra Journal, (13), 53–59. https://doi.org/10.37594/cathedra.n13.388
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Criminal Law in the Republic of Panama, following the trends in International and Comparative Law, has undergone modifications, it has taken into account the need to recognize, from crimes in the computer field, those that try to safeguard people who legally or illegally migrate from his country in search of better living conditions until the restrictions on capital that generate wealth for companies and individuals are fine-tuned. The topic to be developed is a broad topic that we will try to delimit in order to be clear, concise and precise as it should be a libel of cassation or annulment proposed against the criminal sentence. It is called Trends in Criminal Law: a global approach versus the Panamanian reality. Something like a comparative analysis of what happens in the world compared to what happens in our country in criminal matters.



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