Revista CATHEDRA 12


How to Cite
Herrera Jara, L. E. (2020). Methodology of the research applied to criminal law and forensic sciences. Cathedra Journal, (12), 62–71.
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It is imperative that both students and researchers delve into the topic of research: how to investigate, what to investigate and what to do, instill the scientific spirit that must be the essence of higher education. The importance of knowledge and the application of research methods and techniques in the field of law and forensic sciences lie in the acquisition of the necessary tools for the efficient performance of professional practice. This means that not only will these tools be useful for accrediting a subject or obtaining an academic degree, but when they are learned during academic training they will also be put into practice as an applicant or litigator, as a judicial operator, as a legal advisor in Legislative congresses or in public or private administration and, no doubt, as a teacher and researcher. Research is a valid and recommended procedure for all fields of study, whether humanistic or scientific. It can be done during the class period or in separate periods depending on the circumstances and possibilities of the academic field. Research involves the development of a special, systematic, controlled, empirical and critical activity, guided by concepts and categories, ordered by a procedural strategy and aimed at producing scientific knowledge about an aspect or area of reality or solving practical problems of it.



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