Revista CATHEDRA 12


How to Cite
Gutiérrez Robayo, O. (2020). Criminalistic and criminal approach to transit facts. Cathedra Journal, (12), 51–61.
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Different episodes of road accidents (traffic events) to which judicial decisions are added in favor of the freedom of drivers charged with crimes committed on the occasion of driving a car and the persistent claims of Civil Associations to incorporate the so-called Criminal Code Traffic offenses are, to a large extent, the factors that act as a trigger for regulations. What is intended is to provide some solution to all social conflicts, or at least, to those considered most important, although in reality they are not. In this way, criminal law - another understood as minimal intervention - is moving towards an indiscriminate criminalization of behaviors that, in many cases, do not even put at risk a certain legal good. Given the occurrence of a criminal act (or not criminal, but that society claims it to be) of great social impact, we observe an immediate reaction of the policy by calling the four winds the criminal reform to quickly resolve the conflict, whether creating new criminal types of suspicious constitutionality, particularly subject to a severe penalty or hardening penalties of already existing criminal types, thereby seeking to provide solutions usually merely symbolic or formal, more oriented to calm popular voracity than to give a real solution to social conflict.



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